Coalesced mass effect 2 download
Coalesced mass effect 2 download

coalesced mass effect 2 download

There's too much of them to encurage scanning more planets. I've mined only rich planets and still I have plenty of minerals. Increase SquadPowerCooldownMultiplier value Decrease EnemyPowerCooldownMultiplier value Shepard's team cooldown should be increased.

coalesced mass effect 2 download

I wish enemies could use their powers more often. Insanity difficulty is still rather easy to me.

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Decrease PlayerHealthMultiplierLow and PlayerHealthMultiplierHigh values Increase EnemyHealthMultiplierLow, EnemyHealthMultiplierHigh and EnemyShieldBonus values I wish enemies could have more health/shields and Shepard less. Change bShieldsBlockPowers=true to false Why guncentric classes have easier time in ME2? I'd like to use class powers on higher difficulties but im seriously limited because shields block powers. Change UseSharedPowerCooldown=TRUE to false It forces me to use only the most efficient skills on higher difficulties and forget about less efficient but effective ones. I don't like the new global cooldown system. Replace MalePregeneratedHeadCodes and FemalePregeneratedHeadCodes with the ones you want Wish I could replace them with something better. I don't like the pregenerated head models at character creation. Increase m_fCorpseCleanupFirstAttemptTime value Increase StormStaminaNonCombat and StormRegenNonCombat values I wish I could storm longer out of combat. Jogging slowly around takes so much time. Increase ScanReticleMoveSpeed and ScanPlanetRotationSpeed values I wish I could rotate the planet faster when scanning. Open Coalesced.ini file with Notepad++ or other advanced text editor like Scintilla Text Editor: Steps based on Horendus Malaih guide from official BioWare forum. After editing coalesced.ini file, launch CoalescedrealCRC.rb script to get fix_Coalesced.ini file and remove "fix_" prefix Install ruby and unpack the rb script to the place where you also find the coalesced.ini Download Ruby and the script to fix the CRC of the coalesced.ini projects/notepad-plus/files/notepad++ releases binary/npp 5.6.6 bin/npp.5.6.6.Installer.exe/download Download Notepad++ and install it - DO NOT USE Word, Wordpad or notepad this will screw up your game Steps you have to do before starting to mod the Game:

Coalesced mass effect 2 download