Login to R1 Router of Office 1 with Winbox using full access user credentials.To enable WireGuard in R1 Router, do the following steps. So, you will get a WireGuard menu item in Winbox by default. WireGuard package is installed by default in MikroTik RouterOS 7. For WireGuard configuration we need to do enabling WireGuard, Creating Peers, assigning IP address in WireGuard virtual interface and doing routing over virtual interface to communicate among LAN devices. We will now do configurations those are required for WireGuard configuration. You just follow my steps keeping your existing IP information. Set protocols static interface-route 192.168.5.If you have existing network and RouterOS 7 is running there, don’t forget to replace my demo IP information according to your existing one. Set protocols ospf passive-interface-exclude ‘wg01’ Set policy route-map CONNECT rule 10 match interface ‘wg01’ Set policy route-map CONNECT rule 10 action ‘permit’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 port ‘51820’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 peer to-wg02 pubkey ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 peer to-wg02 allowed-ips ‘’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 peer to-wg02 allowed-ips ‘’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 ip ospf transmit-delay ‘1’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 ip ospf retransmit-interval ‘5’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 ip ospf priority ‘0’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 ip ospf network ‘point-to-point’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 ip ospf hello-interval ‘2’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 ip ospf dead-interval ‘6’

Set interfaces wireguard wg01 ip ospf cost ‘10’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 ip ospf bfd

Set interfaces wireguard wg01 ip ospf authentication plaintext-password ‘ospf’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 description ‘VPN-to-wg02’ Set interfaces wireguard wg01 address ‘’ Please check the configuration and point me to the error: It did not help establish the neighborhood. I tried the point -to-point network option and tried the broadcast network option. On VyOS, no firewall rule is bound to the wireguard interface. On Mikrotik, all traffic through the Wireguard interface is completely open. And neighborly relations are not established. But it does not receive Hello in response. I have successfully established a connection through wireguard. The task is to connect another Mikrotik there. I have a VyOS which is receiving multiple tunnels.